Treating prostatitis is a long term process. An integrated approach is used - the use of drugs, lifestyle changes - moderate physical activity, good nutrition, rejection of bad habits and herbal medicine. Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies is not prohibited and is even welcomed by many medical specialists, because alternative medicine really works by helping to speed up the healing process. Practice shows that the use of folk remedies is sometimes more effective than the use of drugs. Let's see how to treat prostatitis in men with folk remedies?
Benefits of treating prostatitis with alternative methods

In most clinical pictures, a man seeks help from a doctor when the disease has become chronic. Ignoring the symptoms worsens the situation, which delays recovery indefinitely. The early stages of prostate inflammation lend themselves to treatment, especially folk remedies.
Alternative medicine offers many recipes to help get rid of the negative symptoms of prostatitis. But it is not always advisable to use folk remedies, since they isolate those forms of the disease that are treated exclusively with a medicinal method. These include the acute phase of the disease, bacterial, infectious and calculous prostatitis. With such pathologies, it is recommended to combine drugs prescribed by a doctor and non-traditional methods of treatment.
Most often, strong drugs are prescribed to treat prostatitis. As you know, drugs have not only indications for use, but also contraindications, an impressive list of side effects. And this is justified, because sometimes the positive effect of the pills on the prostate is accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being.
Benefits of alternative medicine:
- In the composition of phyto-remedies there are no chemical and synthetic components, which guarantees safety for the body;
- Mild effect on the human immune system;
- The minimum probability of developing negative phenomena. In most cases, tinctures and decoctions are well tolerated by patients;
- Profitability. Folk remedies are much cheaper than drugs.
Important: folk remedies for prostatitis can not be used in the acute form of the disease, since in this case the patient needs emergency help - strong drugs or even surgery.
Folk remedies are recommended when the diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. Unlike medicines, herbal medicine works a little more smoothly, so there will not be a rapid therapeutic effect.
Clay therapy

For the treatment of prostatitis, blue (preferably) or black clay is used. It has anti-inflammatory properties. The therapeutic method is simple: it is necessary to dilute the clay powder with lukewarm water, or with a decoction based on medicinal herbs with the consistency of plasticine. Roll a cake from the mass at least three centimeters in diameter. It is applied to the area where the glandular organ is located. The duration of the manipulation is three hours.
It should be noted that the pain syndrome may develop 30-60 minutes after placing the cake, but this is normal. Experts say the pain is a sign that the clay has started to work. After the procedure, you can not go out for 2 hours.
Other uses of clay:
- Dissolve the wheat bran in clear water. Add such a large amount of clay to the liquid to get a mass of plasticine at the exit.
- As in the previous version, a cake is made.
- Then a piece of woolen cloth is soaked in hot water, applied to the perineum or in the area of the sacrum. Put a cake on top. After again the fabric.
- To commit. Leave it overnight.
The duration of the described method of treatment is two weeks. Healers note that improvement is observed on the 3-4th day of the therapeutic course. The full course allows you to forget about the symptoms of prostatitis forever.
Fact: Clay therapy for the treatment of prostatitis has been a proven method for centuries. Its effectiveness is beyond doubt, although it is still unclear exactly why such therapy works. Manipulation of clay relieves inflammation, reduces swelling of the prostate. The cells and tissues of the prostate are cleaned, the full functioning of the organ is restored. In men, the urinary process is normalized, erectile function improves.
You can use clay at any age, it has no contraindications. The only downside is that every time you need to bake a new cake, you can't reapply it. Due to individual intolerance, a local side reaction is possible in the form of redness of the skin.
Coniferous baths

Traditional methods of treating prostatitis in men include baths. Most often, they are made with a collection of medicinal herbs or needles. The essence of the therapeutic effect is that the whole body is heated, which helps to improve metabolic and metabolic processes, blood circulation in the body.
Conifer baths produce the following effects:
- Decreases the swelling and pain syndrome against the background of prostatitis;
- Tissue trophism (nutrition) is normalized;
- Toxic substances and free radicals are eliminated from the prostate;
- Cells are restored as tissue regeneration is accelerated;
- The secretory function of the glandular organ is normalized;
- Local immune status is improved.
Conifer baths can be taken for any form of prostatitis. They have no contraindications and among the side effects only an allergic reaction to the needles is distinguished. It occurs in 0. 001% of people.
Conifer extract can be purchased at a drugstore or prepared by yourself. Recipe: 200 g of fresh needles are added to three liters of water (you can take cedar or spruce). Put the liquid with needles on the fire, simmer under the lid for 90-120 minutes. There is another recipe for the preparation of the extract: add 300 g of pine needles to three liters of boiling water, leave for 5-6 hours. After turning on the heat, simmer until half of the liquid remains.
Good to know: do not add more than 200 ml of conifer concentrate to 50-60 liters of water. If the needles are in tablets or powder, 80 g is added to the bath.
Treatment of the prostate gland with folk remedies for men, especially with needles, has certain rules. To achieve the required therapeutic effect, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- The optimum temperature of the liquid in the bathroom is 36-40 degrees.
- The water level reaches the middle of the chest. It can be lower, higher is impossible.
- The duration of the manipulation is 15 minutes.
- If dizziness is observed, the bath is stopped.
- Do not take a bath immediately after eating.
- A pine bath is done just before bedtime.
- The course of treatment is 2 weeks, a bath is taken every day.
- It is allowed to take baths every other day, but the course of treatment is 28 days.
If the listed recommendations are followed, the man during the procedure notices redness of the skin, feels a slight tingling sensation. These signs indicate an increase in blood circulation in the body. Sometimes there is a feeling of heat in parts of the body that are not submerged in the bathroom - this is normal. Hot flushes should not be accompanied by swelling or rash. When such symptoms appear, coniferous baths are contraindicated.
Contraindications to coniferous baths: atherosclerosis of blood vessels, decompensated arterial hypertension, oncological pathologies. You can not take a bath with exacerbation of chronic diseases, against the background of the respiratory tract and colds, which are accompanied by cough, fever, chills, fever.
Physical exercise

Physical inactivity - low physical activity leads to congestion of the pelvis, impaired blood circulation, which in turn causes prostatitis. Moderate exercise for prostatitis is a mandatory part of the treatment. Exercise improves the outflow of prostatic secretions, strengthens the pelvic muscles, normalizes metabolic processes, blood circulation, which together helps restore normal functioning of the prostate.
For your information: with chronic prostatitis, overloading the body with strenuous workouts is not recommended - there should be a measure in everything. Types of loads allowed: swimming, morning exercises before breakfast or jogging, yoga, brisk walking.
Effective exercises for prostatitis at home:
- Imconstruction. This workout involves pulling in the muscles of the anus. On inspiration, the muscles are pulled, on expiration, they are relaxed. Repeat twice a day. Each workout is a minimum of 10 approaches;
- The scissors. The man lies on his back, lifts his legs and spreads them to the sides. Then you need to bring the lower limbs together and cross, and then return to their original position. "Scissors" can be done while lying on your stomach. Such a performance is a little more difficult, but compared to the first option it is more efficient;
- "Walk on the buttocks. " The man sits on the floor, then he has to move his buttocks in any direction. In one workout you must "walk" 50-60 meters;
- Bike. Starting position - the man lies on his back, fixes his hands behind the neck, lifts his legs and imitates cycling. One exercise involves 20-30 revolutions.
Exercise really works, but only if the man does it regularly - at least 5 times a week. Climbing the stairs also improves blood circulation in the body, so it is advisable to forget about the elevator.
It is possible to cure prostatitis, but it is difficult. Therefore, you need to act in a comprehensive way, without forgetting about prevention - proper and balanced nutrition, good rest, observance of the regime of alcohol consumption, regular sex and preventive visits to the urologist.