Every year, an increasing number of men face sexual problems due to inflammation of the prostate gland, an important organ of the male reproductive system responsible for reproductive function. Treatment of chronic prostatitis should begin as early as possible; the quality of future sexual life depends on it.

The Men's and Women's Health Clinic offers inexpensive and effective treatments for the male prostate at any stage of the disease. A qualified specialist will select the optimal and most effective method that will save you from this unpleasant problem forever. The main thing is not to postpone the visit to the doctor, as this will not only save you money, but also reduce the healing time.
The modern clinic offers:
- full consultation with a urologist;
- diagnostics using modern equipment;
- take tests and undergo analysis at favorable prices;
- advisory support at all stages of treatment, from the first appointment until the patient's complete recovery.
Even advanced chronic prostatitis can be treated! Make an appointment with a specialist using the convenient form on the website or ask questions by phone.
Chronic prostatitis, classification
Inflammation can be caused by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms; it can also be triggered by hypothermia, bad habits, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle.
Chronic prostatitis in men manifests itself in different forms:
- Infectious- developing as a result of the harmful effects of microorganisms
- Non-infectious or stagnant- caused by pelvic congestion (stagnation of ejaculate, prostate secretion or venous blood)
In advanced cases, in the absence of treatment, the usual form of the disease can develop into chronic calculous prostatitis. With this pathology, against the background of inflammation, stones are formed in the gland itself and its ducts.
Asymptomatic prostatitis is characterized by the absence of symptoms and complaints from the patient and is detected only during examination.
The most common is the abacterial or stagnant type, it is diagnosed in 95% of patients.
Causes of chronic prostatitis
Fundamental factors contributing to the development of the disease:
- lack of physical activity is a direct path to impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs due to congestion;
- poor diet, fatty foods, alcohol, smoking;
- frequent restraint during sexual intercourse (for example, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy of a partner) or its interruption;
- infection of the genitourinary system due to poor personal hygiene or infection through a partner;
- frequent hypothermia of the body;
- weakened immunity, constipation, inflammatory phenomena in the body, including diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- endocrine diseases, hormonal imbalances;
- surgical operations on the pelvic organs.
Despite the various causes of chronic prostatitis, the symptoms manifest in the same way. Most often it is pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Symptoms of chronic prostatitis
Signs of the disease may subside or intensify from time to time, indicating an inflammatory process. You should not expect that everything will go away on its own or by self-medicating, the consequences will be sad - impotence, infertility, oncology.
A modern clinic or men's health center specializing in the treatment of chronic prostatitis has helped hundreds of patients regain sexual viability. It is important not to waste time and seek help if you are concerned about the following symptoms:
- shooting pain in perineum, radiating to anus, lower back, inner thigh;
- erectile dysfunction;
- premature ejaculation, dullness of sensitivity during and after sexual intercourse;
- frequent urination (more than twice), especially at night;
- constant feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, "slow flow. "
Depending on the stage of the disease and individual characteristics of the body, the symptoms vary, but the pain constantly increases and intensifies. With exacerbation, painful sensations during ejaculation, weakening of the erection and infertility are added.

Modern urology distinguishes four categories of chronic prostatitis:
- acute bacterial - type I;
- chronic bacterial - type II;
- chronic abacterial - type III (with inflammation - IIIa, without inflammation - IIIb);
- asymptomatic - type IV.
Methods for diagnosing chronic prostatitis
If characteristic symptoms are present, the urologist can easily make a diagnosis and additionally carry out a standard survey and examination.
Laboratory diagnosis allows you to identify the presence of inflammation, the type of causative agent of the disease, and usually consists of carrying out and examining tests for blood, urine and prostate secretion.
It is also necessary to exclude the presence of prostate adenoma, oncology, tuberculosis, since these are diseases with similar symptoms.
An instrumental examination - ultrasound or TRUS - allows you to determine what changes have occurred in the prostate, identify its size, density, the presence of stones and neoplasms.
Only after making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor decides how to treat chronic prostatitis in this particular case.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
Depending on the characteristics of each patient's body and the causes of the disease, the treatment regimen for chronic prostatitis is established individually.
Drug treatment includes a full intake of analgesics, anti-inflammatories and, in case of infectious processes, antibiotics. The most effective drugs for normalizing discharge and cleansing the prostate. In addition, it is necessary to take vitamins and immunomodulators to nourish damaged tissues; in case of problems with blood circulation, venotonics, anticoagulants and anticoagulants are additionally prescribed.
In a modern clinic, effective treatment of chronic prostatitis includes a unique method: lymphotropic therapy. This involves the introduction of drugs subcutaneously into areas located near the lymphatic vessels. At the same time, the absorption of the drug is significantly improved and its effect is enhanced, because it quickly spreads throughout the lymphatic system and from there reaches the desired organ or tissue.

You can improve the outflow of fluid from the prostate and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs by signing up for massage for chronic prostatitis. The procedure is performed by an experienced urologist in the absence of contraindications. For men who are categorically opposed to this method of treatment, it will be useful to perform the following exercises, which also have a positive effect on eliminating congestion in the pelvic region.
- Initial position- feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the head. As you inhale, squat down, spreading your knees to the sides as far as possible, and as you exhale, take your starting position.
- Stay still, take turns raising your leg with a bent knee, trying to reach your chin.
- Sit on a small ball placed on the floor, stretch your legs, rest your hands, take a comfortable position. Roll the ball with the muscles of the buttocks and genitals, making circular movements with them.
- Lying on the back, hold the ball between your bent knees. Inhale, squeeze your knees tighter and exhale, relax.
Long walks and cycling also stimulate blood flow to the pelvic organs and are recommended in complex therapy.
Additional physiotherapeutic procedures carried out on the recommendation of a doctor:
- magnetic therapy;
- phonophoresis;
- laser therapy;
- electrical stimulation.
You can get rid of chronic prostatitis, or at least weaken the syndrome, using the following proven folk remedies.
- raw pumpkin seeds or their oil. Just eat a small handful of peeled grains and use the oil to season salads;
- Drink a decoction of dried fruits (pears) without sugar throughout the day;
- green parsley, its seeds and juice are another popular remedy for prostatitis and impotence;
- at home, before going to bed, administer rectally for a month suppositories based on propolis and cocoa butter (sold in pharmacies).
If treatment of chronic prostatitis does not bring the desired result and the patient's condition worsens, hospitalization is indicated. In rare cases, when the inflammation cannot be treated and is life-threatening, surgery is indicated.
Why is chronic prostatitis dangerous? Neglect of the disease, embarrassment and fear of seeking help from a doctor can lead to serious complications. The inflammatory process will eventually spread to the urinary system and, as a result, new diseases (cystitis, urethritis, kidney failure, vesiculitis). Long-term inflammation of the reproductive system can lead to the formation of prostate adenoma: at first it is a benign tumor, but over time, without proper treatment, it can become malignant.
In addition to the above, complications of chronic prostatitis include infertility, impotence, complete depression and loss of interest in life.
Don't put yourself in this state! In any case, the cost of treatment is incomparable with the cost of your life. A good urologist will develop a treatment so that you feel like a whole person who has had a minor problem. The duration of the course depends on your desire to recover and timely contact with a specialist. The prognosis is favorable in most cases.
After treatment of chronic prostatitis, repeated tests are carried out, the results of which confirm the cure (the levels of leukocytes in the blood are normalized, the result is negative for the presence of bacterial flora in the prostatic fluid).
Recommended diet
It is important to drink enough fluids, this helps eliminate pathogenic flora and also facilitates the urination process.
The diet for chronic prostatitis excludes everything spicy, fried and salty. It is also better to remove alcohol and sugary sodas from the diet. You can only drink dry wine in small doses.

Foods should be easy to digest – fiber, whole grains, seafood. Pumpkin, sesame and flax seeds should be included in the daily menu.
Prevention of chronic prostatitis
Following these simple rules will help preserve men's health for many years and maintain it at the proper level:
- daily hygiene procedures morning and evening;
- regular sex with a regular partner;
- morning jog or brisk walk for at least 10 to 15 minutes;
- rejection of bad habits;
- annual preventive examinations with a urologist.
Now you know what to do in case of chronic prostatitis. Patiently follow all doctors' recommendations, do not stop the treatment you have started when your condition improves, so as not to start all over again later. To be in a good health!